Elissa Slotkin tweeted the following:
"3/ With Roes protections gone, and with states like mine that have laws on the books that ban abortion access, its more important than ever that women can get accurate information from search engines like Google when theyre making critical health decisions."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Elissa Slotkin:
"2/ Before these updates, women using Google search & Maps to find abortion providers were often being directed to crisis pregnancy centers, only to later learn that they steer women away from certain health decisions."Read on Twitter
"In June, I sent a letter to @Google pressing them to address misleading results that were giving women false information about where they could find an abortion provider. Yesterday, we got a positive response about the steps theyre taking to fix this. 1/ cnbc.com/2022/08/25/goo"Read on Twitter
"5/ These professions keep our country going & have major shortages across the country. I'd love to see them treated just as the military treats attendance at service academies: free/discounted education as long as folks agree to work in those fields for 5 years after graduation." on Aug. 25Read on Twitter