
Livingston Today

Thursday, January 2, 2025

What did Elissa Slotkin just tweet?


Elissa Slotkin tweeted the following:

"The Ukrainian people have shown incredible bravery in the last few days to protect their country, and Republicans and Democrats are working together right now to make sure we have their backs."
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Here are other recent tweets from Elissa Slotkin:

"When it comes to key national security issues, partisanship should stop at the waters edge. Thats why I worked with Republicans & Democrats on the Ukraine Lend-Lease Act to speed up military aid to Ukraine & the American Energy for Europe Act to wean our allies off Russian gas."
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"I remember the trip to the National Army Academy with such fondness: the night before the ceremony, when heavy fog there prevented any flights from taking off, we took an overnight train from Kiyv, sleeping in pull down bunk beds with Ukrainians. 3/5" on Feb. 28
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"I remember how much fun we had trying to communicate with others when I spoke no Ukrainian & the only English word our cabin mates knew was selfie. 4/5" on Feb. 28
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