Elissa Slotkin tweeted the following:
"And if a minor gets ahold of that gun and uses it to commit a crime or hurt someone, you can be held criminally responsible. 4/5"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Elissa Slotkin:
"The day after the shooting in Uvalde, I had already been scheduled to speak at the @OxfordVirtual graduation. It was a deeply emotional moment for the students, their families, and the school staff, with so many raw feelings bubbling back up given the tragedy in Texas. 2/5"Read on Twitter
"My bill is a practical approach to help keep our kids safe, in Michigan and across the country. The idea behind the bill is simple: if youre a gun owner, like millions of Michiganders, you have to take reasonable steps to store your firearm. 3/5"Read on Twitter
"Just after the 6 month anniversary of the shooting at Oxford High School, tomorrow the House will vote on my Safe Guns, Safe Kids Act, the gun storage bill I introduced in the aftermath of the tragedy that upended so many lives in Michigan last November. 1/5"Read on Twitter